A new programmer

First day at my coding boot camp at Coder Academy in Brisbane.. “A new programmer” is published by Ryan G.


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Chinese Lunar New Year

Passion gets easily summed to an eqic and then generally faded in a week, in the greatest party of the world. Billions of people are involved in that party that is held once a year of centuries. That party is the Chinese Lunar New Year.

In Lunar New Year, obviously we say “Happy new year” to each other, to everyone we met. Everyone shares the happiness and greets others by saying that. “Happy new year” even replaces “Thank you” and “Hello” in many cases. Instead of that, a general saying is “Good new year”, which is the same as “Good morning” or “Good night” but with a longer time span. In English, it’s really strange to say that, because English is really straightforward. I think it’s related to the cultural difference between China and America. Americans are often very straightforward. If they want something, they will directly let you know and vise versa. If they wish you good fortune or good luck they will also directly say that. However, Chinese are known as a humble race. We seldomly say “Good luck” or “Wish you good fortune” in daily greeting except in the toast. When we meet each other in New Year, we simply just say “Good new year”, but in this “Good new year”, we truly mean to wish you good luck and good fortune and all the good things.

Another saying that is extremely bounded with Chinese culture is “Happy dog year”. That animal is the Chinese zodiac of that year and the zodiac of this year is dog. I think that is the greatest difference varies the Chinese new year from all the other new years in the world since the represent of new year changes every year. It’s a well accepted concept.

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