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How to Add the Uniswap Swap Widget to your React dApp

She spoke about her experience trying to stake on a dApp, but couldn’t do so because she didn’t have the required token. In addition to expressing her dissatisfaction, she touched on how we can make this experience better by making it easy for users to access the required token in-app.

This stuck with me, and I’ve since made it a thing to consider token accessibility when building any web3 product. Therefore, I decided to try my hands on the Uniswap Labs Swap Widget so that users can swap tokens on the Uniswap Protocol without leaving my dApp.

While working on this, I came across some minor roadblocks and also got to learn of the common issues others faced by combing the Uniswap discord server. So I decided to write a beginner-friendly guide so you don’t have to face the same issues we did.

In cases whereby you need your users to carry out transactions in a native token (e.g. ENS), you need to make it easy for them to get the token without leaving your dApp. Doing this will help improve your user experience and also reduce drop-off due to the inaccessibility of a native token.

Adding the Swap widget to your dApp is pretty straightforward, and can be done in just a few lines of code. But before we go into the implementation, here are a few things you need to get started.

Here is a simple guide on how to create one on Infura:

Step 1: Go to the Infura website, then sign up or log in to your account if you already have one.

Step 2: Navigate to your Dashboard and click on CREATE NEW PROJECT

Step 3: Select an applicable product, give your project a name and click on CREATE.

Step 4: Scroll down to Keys and copy your endpoint URL or Project ID.

Great job! You’ve successfully generated a JSON-RPC Endpoint.

Web3 Provider

The Swap widget also needs a web3 provider to fetch balances and submit transactions through the user’s connected wallet. If you’re creating a DApp, then you’ll need a web3 provider.

You also need a wallet connect flow in your app so that users can connect their wallets to carry out transactions. There are various libraries you can use (e.g. web3-react, wagmi, etc.). For simplicity, we will be connecting to a user-installed browser wallet like metamask.

However, we can only do this if the user has a wallet installed. So, we will be checking for wallet installation using metamask’s, detect-provider library.

Now that we’ve gotten our requirements ready, let’s get started.

To get started, install the widgets library and react-redux if you don’t already have it installed.

You might be wondering why we added a provider at all when it was going to be updated anyways. Here’s why 👇

If we don’t define a provider from the start, our widget is going to show up this way when we load our app.

Finally, we add our return elements. You can see here that the “Connect wallet” button calls the connectWallet function onClick. The SwapWidget also takes in 2 parameters; the provider and JsonRpcEndpoint.

Great job! You’ve successfully added the Swap Widget to your dApp. Now, you can run npm start to view your dApp.

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